Z Platform

Z Platform is an universal template that can be used to easily design and build websites for any niche and industry. It is a free theme that comes with plenty of premium features.
ߘߎ߲߬ߘߎ߬ߡߊ ߟߎ߬
Accessibility ready, ߞߐߡߊߛߙߋ, Custom background, Custom logo, Custom menu, E-commerce, ߟߊ߬ߞߟߏ߬ߞߟߏ߬ߟߌ, ߡߊ߬ߛߊ߲߬ߕߊ߬ߡߎ߲, Featured images, Footer widgets, Full width template, ߝߏ߲߬ߖߏ߲߬ߟߏ߲, Left sidebar, ߞߍߞߎߘߊ ߟߎ߬ , One column, ߖߌ߬ߦߊ߬ߕߊ , ߕߍ߯ߘߐߓߘߐ, Right sidebar, Style variations, Threaded comments, Translation ready, Two columns
Downloads per day
ߡߊ߬ߗߍ߬ߟߌ ߣߌߞߎߣߎ߲: 100+
ߡߐ߬ߟߐ߲߬ߦߊ߬ߟߌ ߟߎ߬
ߞߎߡߊ߫ ߝߐߕߊ߫ ߦߴߌ ߞߣߐ߫ ߓߊ߬؟ ߌ ߡߊ߬ߞߏ ߦߋ߫ ߡߊ߬ߘߍ߬ߡߍ߲߬ߠߌ߲߫ ߠߊ߫ ߘߍ߫؟
ߦߊ߯ߟߊ߫ ߞߙߊߞߏ ߣߌ߲߬ ߞߎ߬ߘߎߜߍ߬ߟߍ߲߬ߡߊ߲߬ߓߊ ߟߋ߫ ߓߊ߬؟
ߘߟߊߡߌߘߊߟߌ ߟߎ߬
This theme is available in the following languages: English (US).