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  • ߓߐߞߏߣߊ߲ 1.0.7
  • Last updated May 19, 2023
  • Active installations 100+
  • WordPress version 4.7
  • PHP version 5.2.4

Yaatra is a clean and classic theme that is perfect for any kind of personal and professional blog. It is lightning fast and fully responsive. Hence, It beautifully presents your content in the spotlight. Theme is SEO friendly, translation ready, GDPR compliant as well as Gutenberg compatible. It also features advanced typography, multiple color schemes, header sidebar including widgetized header and footer. Start your blog with Yaatra for an awesome experience! Get free support at https://codevibrant.com/support/ and check the demo at https://demo.codevibrant.com/yaatra-landing

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ߡߊ߬ߗߍ߬ߟߌ ߣߌߞߎߣߎ߲: 100+

ߡߐ߬ߟߐ߲߬ߦߊ߬ߟߌ ߟߎ߬

5 out of 5 stars.


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