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Cryptocurrency Insight

SuperbThemes ߛߌߟߊ ߝߍ߬

ߣߌ߲߬ ߦߋ߫ ߘߋߣߍ߲߫ ߞߙߊߞߏ Landing Pageasy ߟߋ߬ ߘߌ߫

ߓߐߞߏߣߊ߲: 1.3

ߟߊߞߎߘߦߊ߫ ߟߊߓߊ߲ September 7, 2022

ߡߊ߬ߗߍ߬ߟߌ ߣߌߞߎߣߎ߲: 100+

PHP Version: 4.0 or higher

ߓߏ߬ߟߏ߲߬ߘߊ ߞߙߊߞߏ

Cryptocurrency Insight is a responsive landing page and blog theme. The theme is best described as a multi-purpose theme, and it works for businesses, blogs, journalists, authors, newspapers, products, apps, etc. The theme is primarily for blogs/information websites about Bitcoins, Ethereum, and other crypto-related news. The theme is simple to set up but has many features for affiliate marketing, i.e., lots of advertisement space for affiliate programs such as Google AdSense - of course, this kind of website requires an SEO-optimized, creative & modern theme, which Pagebuilderly is. Photography images look awesome in the theme, so it's a great portfolio theme, just like it works great for 1-page websites. To sum it up, the theme is responsive so it works on all types of phones, tablets, and desktop computers. And yes, it's completed SEO Optimised (search engine optimization) of course.


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