Bosa Lawyer
Commercial theme
This theme is free but offers additional paid commercial upgrades or support.
ߣߌ߲߬ ߦߋ߫ ߘߋߣߍ߲߫ ߞߙߊߞߏ Bosa ߟߋ߬ ߘߌ߫
Bosa Lawyer is multipurpose lawyer theme. Bosa Lawyer is beautiful, fast, lightweight, responsive, extremely customizable theme that you can use as a foundation to build versatile sites such as lawyer, individual attorneys, law firms, attorneys, counsel, legal adviser, legal experts, courts, solicitors, advocates, barristers, practitioner, legal, consultant, agency, services, financial centers or advisors, legal docs, marriage registration, jury member, law advisers, law office, finance, law offices, law teaching websites and businesses, legal officers, counsels legal service providers, law colleges, universities and institutions, law enforcing authority, cooperatives, consults, wealth advisors, investors, business firm, corporate, blog, news, portfolio and preferably ideal for any type of lawyer sites. Bosa Lawyer is a child theme of Bosa, a free multipurpose WordPress theme. Bosa Lawyer works perfectly with Gutenberg and the most popular page builder Elementor that can easily drag-and-drop your ideas from the interface. Bosa Lawyer is built with SEO, speed, and usability in mind with the multiple Header & Footer layouts, predesigned starter sites includes awesome Home & Inner Pages that is incredibly customizable and powerful enough to take a stand among the crowd. Bosa Lawyer is compatible with all major plugins like WooCommerce, Yoast, Contact form 7, Mailchimp for WordPress, bbPress, etc. Looking for a Multipurpose Lawyer theme? Look no further! Browse the demo to see that it’s the only theme you will ever need:
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ߡߊ߬ߗߍ߬ߟߌ ߣߌߞߎߣߎ߲: 700+
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